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I am experiencing harassment. What should I do?

In dealing with harassment, it is essential to keep as detailed a record as possible. Record audio when you can, and if not, write down what happened with the date and time while it is still fresh in your memory.

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I am worried about retaliation. Should I file a go/myconcern?

Filing a go/myconcern is the first step in making the company accountable for addressing the issue. It is recommended to file a go/myconcern as early as possible.
When doing so, be aware that the company may restrict access to the go/myconcern file for the reporter, so it is important to make a copy immediately after filing.


I am experiencing harassment. What can the union do?

細かい事実認定は、経験上、現場を離れた組合と会社の議論で話を進めることは難しいです。組合は、社員と人事が対等に話し合えるように圧力をかけることができる組織だと考えてください。事実認定に関する具体的な話し合いはご自身で対応していただくことになります。 In our experience, it is difficult to proceed with detailed fact-finding through discussions between the union and the company when removed from the actual workplace. Please consider the union as an organization that can apply pressure to ensure employees and HR can have equal discussions. You will need to handle specific discussions related to fact-finding yourself.

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I am considering taking sick leave. Will this put me at a disadvantage?

Good health is fundamental, even when standing up against the company. If this is a rest you need to stay healthy, then you should take it.
You might also consider applying for Rousai. Rousai is a system that can be used as an alternative to health insurance when the company is at fault. It has a lower out-of-pocket cost than health insurance and offers a higher coverage rate during sick leave. A common approach to handling harassment cases is to apply for Rousai for mental illness, and if approved, to seek compensation through a lawsuit.
Applying for Rousai due to mental illness can be challenging without professional assistance. It is recommended to proceed with guidance from the National Center for Workers’ Safety and Health.

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