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The JMITU Alphabet Union (JAU) promotes fair and legal labor practices, working towards building a brighter work future. We advocate to protect Google’s Values and Culture, enabling Googlers to focus on our mission. All workers have the right to work in a safe environment, and to choose their own careers. When something impedes that choice, we stand together to assist in removing those obstacles.

日本語 Contact


Latest Updates (January 23, 2025) (English Translation)

Jan 9th AU Branch 2023 Activity Report

We have reported our activity on 2023, our strategy, activity history until the Labor Bureau illegal judgement against Google. If you find this information valuable and wish to support our ongoing activities, please consider joining or monthly supporer.

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Latest updates about the labor committee session

The JMITU AU Branch filed a request for relief in November 2023 regarding the refusal to bargain collectively in May 2023, and is currently in dispute at the Tokyo Labor Committee. As of January 23, 2025, the case has reached a critical juncture, and we plan to conduct a hearing plan at the next hearing date and witness examination at the following one. We appreciate your support through attending the hearings.
The next hearing date is February 3, 2025, at 3:00 PM.

Branch History

JAU was formed in response to the workforce reductions that occurred in March 2023 in Japan. The branch was started when employees who were on maternity or childcare leave spoke out about their role eliminations and being encouraged to retire. Since then, the number of impacted Googlers in Japan has increased due to additional rounds of team restructurings. JAU’s priority has been focused on opposing illegal forced resignations, discrimination (including compensation reductions) and/or harassment of Googlers.

Join Us

For a labor union, the number of union members directly translates into its strength. Anyone working for a company under Alphabet, regardless of employment type, is eligible to join. Growing and strengthening the union is the only way to communicate on equal terms with the company and win workers’ rights. Please consider joining for your own sake, and to prevent aggressive layoffs and unfair salary reduction.
If you have any questions about joining the union, please submit contact form below to arrange a meeting time. We will explain the terms and conditions and the application process.
Refer to this FAQs as well.
If you are interested in supporting union but haven’t considered joining yet, Please consider monthly supporter, too.

Open application form

Union Fee

Union fees can be paid either by bank transfer or through Stripe. The fee for bank transfers is 2,000 yen per month. If paying via Stripe, the amount will include Stripe fees.

Bank Account

中央労働金庫(中央労金) Chuo Labour Bank branch number: 296 account number: 162695 account name: JMITU Alphabetユニオン支部
ジェイエムアイティーユー アルファベット ユニオン シブ

If you use Stripe for payment and would like to cancel your monthly supporter subscription, please follow the directions in the below “[Stripe-Only] Unsubscribe/Leave Union” section.

Messages From Union Members

The action of joining union itself is very empowering to me. Members are coming together and sharing our power and love, this is creating a stronger mental strength. —Kangaroo

With time I began to understand the crucial role our labor union plays. They champion fair treatment, ensure our safety, and advocate tirelessly for our individual rights, which truly moved me to support their cause. —Sasano K

When feeling cornered and unsure of what to do, receiving support from a union can be incredibly reassuring and invaluable, beyond what words can express. When subjected to unfair and unjust treatment, you should not just endure it; instead, raise your voice and protest. Correcting these wrongful acts and environments will make our workplaces and society better. —Seninbari

Leaving the Union

If you are leaving the union due to reasons such as retirement, please submit a withdrawal notice and cancel your union dues payments.
Withdrawal Form
Union Dues Payment Management


Membership FAQs

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Labor Consultation

The labor union deals with all kinds of work-related issues, from major societal issues such as encouraging resignation and harassment, to small inconveniences at work such as office supplies or remote work.
The labor union will always keep secrets. Please use it as one option of the consultation services.

An example of a labor consultation:

A consulting party, who has a child with a disability certificate, came to seek advice because they were denied the use of Family Emergency Leave for their child’s regular medical appointments. They were told that “Family Emergency Leave is intended for unexpected situations and cannot be used for regular medical appointments.” We advised them that in Japan, employees are guaranteed Caregiver Leave and Nursing Leave, and that Google Japan positions Family Emergency Leave as part of the usage for these two leaves. We also pointed out that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s website states that these leaves can be used for accompanying regular medical appointments. As a result, the consulting party was able to obtain Family Emergency Leave, and the “urgent” designation was removed from the explanation of Family Emergency Leave on myGoogle.

Harassment FAQs

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We are operating on a volunteer basis. There are various expenses involved, such as transportation costs, printing fees, and postage fees.
Even a small donation would be greatly appreciated. Your support will be used for union activities.


Bank account

中央労働金庫(中央労金) Chuo Labour Bank branch number: 296 account number: 162695 account name: JMITU Alphabetユニオン支部
ジェイエムアイティーユー アルファベット ユニオン シブ

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Monthly Supporter

Union dues are set at the minimum necessary to maintain union activities so that people in various situations who need support can join. To enrich the union’s financial resources and expand our activities more widely, we need income beyond union dues. Monthly supporters are the main support for the branch’s finances. Please consider becoming one.

If you use Stripe for payment and would like to cancel your monthly supporter subscription, please follow the directions in the below []”[Stripe-Only] Unsubscribe/Leave Union”](#stripe-only-unsubscribe-leave-union) section.

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[Stripe-Only] Unsubscribe/Leave Union

If you are a JAU union member or monthly supporter and wish to cancel your monthly payment, please click here.


Union policy against layoff
Letter from impacted mother on parental leave
Illigal judge from the Labor Bureau to Google Past labor committee report

External Resources

Activity of our Branch

online petition

Upper organization

JMITU Central Headquarters
JMITU West Tokyo regional council

Tokyo Branches

IBM branch
Santama area branch
Ohta area branch
Tokyo Measuring Instruments Laboratory branch
North area branch
Sega Group branch


Tokyo Regional Council of Trade Unions
Alphabet Workers Union

News Articles about our Activity グーグル日本法人による退職勧奨、育休・産休中の社員に実施は「違法」…組合側が発表
Business Insider Japan グーグルの退職勧奨を東京労働局が「違反」認定、労働組合が発表。産休・育休中の社員めぐり
Mainichi 人員削減のグーグル日本法人が団体交渉を拒否 労組が救済申し立て
グーグルの労働組合「育休・産休社員への退職勧奨は不当」と訴え。少なくとも6人が該当 (6/7 Business Insider)
グーグルがマタハラ 産休・育休中の従業員に退職促す JMITU 労働局に指導要請 (6/7 Shimbun Akahata)
育休中に退職勧奨 元社員、グーグルへ指導要請 (6/7 Mainichi)
グーグル、育休社員にも退職勧奨 大規模リストラの一環で (6/6 Kyodo News)
グーグル社員の告白「退職する以外に選択肢はなかった」。育休中社員が語ったこと (4/18 Business Insider)
グーグル日本法人の〝大規模〟リストラに従業員ら反発 初の労組結成、団体交渉 (4/15 The weekly Friday) グーグル日本 労組結成の思い (3/29 Shimbun Akahata)
日本グーグルに労組 JMITU支部 同意ない解雇やめよ (3/2 Shimbun Akahata)

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JMITU AU branch


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