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I received MSA. I want to know all the options I have.

In Japan, strict conditions are imposed on forced dismissals, and among the cases consulted with the union, there has not been a single instance of forced dismissal. An MSA is voluntary and can be declined. Retaliation against individuals who refuse to accept voluntary retirement is also illegal. This includes harassment by assigning unreasonably low tasks or reducing bonuses beyond calculated formulas. However, unfortunately, the fact that these actions are illegal does not always prevent companies from engaging in them. Joining a union and notifying the company of your membership can serve as a deterrent to these illegal practices. So far, all union members who have lost their roles have been assigned appropriate new roles and are satisfied with them.

For consultation, please contact us at this email address:

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Can the union negotiate the MSA?

In Japan, legal protections concerning retirement conditions are not very strong. Negotiating an increase in the retirement package through a union is challenging. If the explanation of the MSA (Mutual Separation Agreement) is illegal and coercive, and as a result, you suffer financial or mental harm, depending on the details, we can assist you in filing a lawsuit and seeking compensation. However, in many cases, the amount may not be substantial. Even if you do not intend to continue working at the company, if you are unsatisfied with the amount of the retirement package, it is recommended that you decline the MSA, stay with the company, and then resign voluntarily at a timing that is convenient and satisfactory for you.

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I have received documented feedback/PIP started

グーグルでのプロセスはドキュメンテッドフィードバック、PIP、MSA、解雇の順に進みます。日本での解雇の条件は厳しく、PIPの未達成だけでは解雇の理由として不十分ですが、会社は不当解雇を行った実例があります。不当解雇を予防するために、早めから組合に加入することをオススメします。面談は録音し、PIPの達成条件や達成記録のコピーを残してください。 The process at Google proceeds in the order of documented feedback, PIP, MSA, and termination. In Japan, the conditions for termination are strict, and simply failing a PIP is not a sufficient reason for dismissal. However, there have been cases where Google Japan has carried out unfair dismissals. To prevent unfair dismissal, it is recommended to join a union early. Record meetings and keep copies of PIP achievement conditions and achievement records.

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How much and how long does a trial cost?

結果が出るまで1年半、上告を含め会社が意図的に裁判を引き伸ばせば最長10年かかります。勝訴すれば、その期間の支払われるはずだった給与と弁護士費用を補填するための慰謝料が会社から支払われる形になることが一般的です。ブランクが発生することになるため解決金だけ受け取り復職を諦める人もいますが、実際に復職をする人もいます。裁判の期間中は、裁判の活動と仕事の両立をする負担はありますが、転職活動をし、他の会社で働くことは可能です。裁判の時間や費用面の負担など、詳しいことは下記のメールアドレスにお問い合わせください。 裁判費用は、場合により、30万円~150万円ほどかかります。組合や弁護士事務所からも支援が可能な場合もありますので、まずはご相談ください。 費用と時間の負担がほとんどなしに取れる選択肢もあります。こちらの活動報告レポートをご覧ください。 いずれの場合も、合意の撤回の意思を速やかに会社に示すことで有利になります。まずは労働組合にご連絡ください。
It takes about a year and a half until a result is reached, and if the company deliberately drags out the lawsuit, it can take up to 10 years. If you win the lawsuit, it is common for the company to pay damages to cover the wages that should have been paid during that period and the legal fees. Some people give up on reinstatement and just accept the settlement because of the employment gap that occurs, but there are indeed people who actually return to work. During the trial period, there is a burden of balancing lawsuit activities and work, but you can job hunt and work at another company. For more details, such as the time and cost burden of the lawsuit, please contact the email address below.
Legal fees can range from approximately 300,000 yen to 1.5 million yen, depending on the case. Financial support may be available from unions or law firms, so we recommend consulting with us first. There are options available that involve minimal cost and time. Please refer to our activity report for more information. In either case, it is important to quickly express to the company your intent to rescind the agreement. Please contact the union first at

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I was experiencing harassment even before receiving MSA. This MSA is a result of the harassment, and I do not feel safe returning to my original team.

Harassment that took place before the retirement recommendation is treated as a separate issue, and it is difficult to claim that harassment after the recommendation is illegal. While it is possible to communicate your concerns to the company, it is generally best to consider them as two separate issues and address the harassment specifically as harassment. Please refer to harassment FAQ

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